Helping current and aspiring Software Engineers land their dream tech job

Many of us learning to code are unable to close the knowledge needed to work professionally. My content will be dedicated to helping you land that first job and excel in your career as a Software Engineer.


Front-End Engineer Roadmap

Become a modern Front-End Engineer

This roadmap will not cover everything you need to learn but rather the minimum skills necessary to get a Front-End Engineer position.

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TechRally Here 🙋‍♂️

I am currently a Front-End Engineer at Amazon based in New York City. I took a non traditional route of learning how to code by attending a coding bootcamp called Flatiron School.

I create content on my Youtube channel to help aspiring developers break into the tech industry.  As someone who has done the career switch and now working as a Engineer, I will teach you everything I learned in software development, networking strategy, and much more with the intention to change or advance your career.

I intent to provide both insight and positive words of encouragement to keep pursuing your goals!

Alex Lee



What We Offer

  • Discord Community

    If you have any questions or would like to be part of a coding community, we would love to have you!

  • 1:1 Coaching

    I offer a 60 minute consulting call, related to coding, software development, and career advice.

  • Free Youtube Tips

    As an experienced Software Developer, I love to share free tips and tricks to break into tech